Date: Sat, 14 May 94 04:30:13 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #147 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Sat, 14 May 94 Volume 94 : Issue 147 Today's Topics: 9600 Baud and Mitrek radio... C50 DSK Status DSP4 Update GE Master II Transciever for 9600 Packet? Help with PACSAT HF DSP modems for the TI DSK (2 msgs) HF modem software on DSP sound card PK-232MBX vs. MFJ-1278B Software for KAMPlus ? (2 msgs) Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 19:34:27 +0000 From:!!agate!!pipex!demon!! Subject: 9600 Baud and Mitrek radio... To: In article <> (SEAN R. STEPANEK) writes: > >Hello all, > >I have just aquired a G3RUH 9600 modem for my TNC. I am wondering if >anybody has interfaced this unti with a Motorola Mitrek 440 radio. This is >a crystal radio and was wondering if anybody has had success or failures with >this model, or if major mods are required. > Basic principle for all xtal rigs is as follows: For the RX: find the discriminator output (before any audio filters) and take a feed from there For the TX: put a varactor across the xtal with a bias circuit and inject the signal from the modem into it. I knocked up a simple circuit with a dual op-amp and a voltage reference to level-shift the signal to what I needed for the varactor. Some TX may actually have the varactor in place, but most seem to use a phase modulator after the xtal oscillator so you will have to fit one. You will need to determine the varactor capacitance swing needed for your particular rig. Basically, you need to be able to pull the xtal far enough either side of centre to give a signal approx 20kHz wide at your transmit frequency. Dave -- ***************************************************************************** * G4WRW @ GB7WRW.#41.GBR.EU AX25 * Start at the beginning. Go on * * Internet * until the end. Then stop. * * Amprnet * (the king to the white rabbit) * ***************************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: 13 May 94 16:16:43 GMT From:!agate!!vectorbd! Subject: C50 DSK Status To: Texas Inst. is now accpeting orders for the C50 version of the DSK. It "hit the street" on 5/1. The price is $99.95, the same as the C26 version. The code from a C26 will probably not run on a C50 version. The port should be easy, so we can hope HB9JNX and KC7WW will have access to a C50 and will provide us with new versions. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Jim Lill- Vector Board BBS 716-544-1863/2645 GEnie: ZKD ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 23:08:39 GMT From:!!agate!!vectorbd! Subject: DSP4 Update To: Dear friend, Here is some information about the DSP Card4 project and how to get a board. Background: --------- The DSP card project has been developed by Jarkko Vuori (oh2lns) and Kaj Wiik (oh6eh) as a part of their studies and radio amateur / satellite /dsp hobbies. There has been also dsp card1...3 before this. The history is included in the documentation. During Autumn -93 a batch of 100 boards was made (mainly to hamradio community worldwide). The 'mass production' was arranged under the name of local hamradio club RATS r.y. (OH2NXX). Availability of the DSP Card 4 ------------------------------ The circuit board is available via RATS r.y. At this moment there are some rev 2.3 boards left. New boards will be made during summer -94. RATS has ordered also a box of the dsp56001's, the confirmed delivery is in August. A group order of components was arranged by oh2nxx too. There was following kits: PCB: (240 FIM or 40 USD) Kit1: DSP56001,CS4215, 27MHz XTAL, 24.576 MHz XTAL (800 FIM ) Kit2: All integrated circuits (14 pcs) + XTALs (1100 FIM) Kit3: All parts to be mounted on the PCB (1700 FIM ) If there is enough interest, new order of components will be made also later this year. If you want to buy a board it may be worth of trying to send the money in a letter, as otherwise you must add 40 FIM for us to purchase a cheque or similar. Where to find the latest stuff? ------------------------------- All the new software and the latest documentation is available via Internet from, directory /pub/ham/dsp/alefn/dsp4. They are also available from, directory /alefnull. There is also ongoing mailing list available where the myriads of DSP CARD 4 technology is discussed: DSP4 related list: Subscribe/unsubscribe with: To: Subject: (whatever, you will see it in server's reply) SUBScribe DSP4 Your Personal Name UNSUBscribe DSP4 ("SUBS" is shortest form of the command, longer version can be used too..Commands, and list names are case insensitive. More info with `HELP' command) Submission to the list shall be addressed to: If you don't have possibilities mentioned above, limited support can be obtained by sending a SASE (and diskettes, if needed) to RATS r.y. PoBox 88, FIN-02151 ESPOO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Timo Knuutila ! tel:+358 0 437 6554 ! P.O.Box 45 Nokia Research ! fax:+358 0 437 6227 ! FIN-00211 Helsinki -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Jim Lill- Vector Board BBS 716-544-1863/2645 GEnie: ZKD ------------------------------ Date: 11 May 94 21:16:00 GMT From: agate!!!emory!!nanovx!wa4mei!totrbbs! Subject: GE Master II Transciever for 9600 Packet? To: Hi Everybody, The East Atlanta LAN Group is putting up a 9600 bps packet user node for our LAN. I purchased a GE Master II transciever at Dayton for use as the RF side of our simplex digipeater on 441.0 MHZ. We plan to move to duplex operation as soon as we figure out how to set it all up. Question: Does anyone have any experience using this transciever in this application? Got any experience you can share to make the task easier? Tks much, Steve Diggs KB4ZTN ---- Top Of The Rock BBS - Lilburn, GA SYSOP: Steve Diggs UUCP: Snailmail: 4181 Wash Lee Ct. Phone: +1 404 921 8687 Lilburn, GA 30247-7407 ------------------------------ Date: 13 May 1994 09:56:42 -0500 From:!!!agate!!!!! Subject: Help with PACSAT To: I am seeking any files or assistance in getting started using the birds to communicate via packet. If there are any ftp sites that have information I would like direction. -- Michael J. Malloy Amateur Radio N9WJV Medical College of Wisconsin Compuserve 70334,3563 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Internet ------------------------------ Date: 13 May 94 20:57:12 GMT From:!!agate!!vectorbd! Subject: HF DSP modems for the TI DSK To: I borrowed a HP100LX, tried it.... appears to be a no-go but perhaps I don't know enough about the HP. I know it will do 19.2K zmodem from pcplus so it's no slouch on data on that count. -Jim -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Jim Lill- Vector Board BBS 716-544-1863/2645 GEnie: ZKD ------------------------------ Date: 12 May 94 11:20:42 GMT From:!agate!!vectorbd! Subject: HF DSP modems for the TI DSK To: Here's a list of files I found concerned with the C26DSK. Does anyone know of others? modem for Hams using TI DSK 320C26 $100 kit tor306.exe Terminal Program for use with DSP modems TI 320C26 DSK-based modem with pactor dsp100.exe for TOR and DSK, RTTY/Amtor/Pactor/HF Packet modem KC7WW's port of W9GR's CW etc filter for TI DSK dskjnx1.exe HB9JNX's program for Amtor/RTTY/Pactor with DSK dsk_aa2x.exe C26 DSK Audio Analyzer dsk_acad.exe ORCARD and PS for C26DSK schematics dsk_cf26.exe 60 Hz comb filter for C26DSK dsk_news.asc DSK news from 8/93 dsk_os2x.exe Oscilloscope for C26DSK dsk_sa2x.exe Spectrum Analyzer for C26DSK dsk_sfwr.exe tools for C26DSK Spect An dskd_120.exe beta version of C26DSK info dskl_app.exe Loader and Spectrum Analyzer for C26DSK dskorcad.exe more orcard stuff for C26DSK -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Jim Lill- Vector Board BBS 716-544-1863/2645 GEnie: ZKD ------------------------------ Date: 12 May 94 10:59:04 GMT From:!!agate!!vectorbd! Subject: HF modem software on DSP sound card To: for those w/o ftp access, the s/w is on my LLBBS, 716-544-1863/2645 in the new uploads (or dsp) file area -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Jim Lill- Vector Board BBS 716-544-1863/2645 GEnie: ZKD ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 May 1994 05:23:21 GMT From:! Subject: PK-232MBX vs. MFJ-1278B To: I went shopping for my first multimode TNC today, and pretty much narrowed it down to the MFJ-1278B and the AEA PK-232MBX. I'd love to hear from you net.hams about which you prefer and why. Here's my comparison based on what I know so far, which is pretty much from adverts and data sheets. If you have any pointers to reviews that might help, I'd like to look them up. I've read the packet FAQ and some other literature, and decided that I will probably be using the TNC for more receiving than transmitting. I'd probably have it hooked up to a Unix workstation most of the time, maybe a DOS machine on occasion. I'd like to experiment with TCP/IP under FreeBSD as well. I'm also interested in receiving all the mystery digital broadcast tidbits on shortwave, especially wefax and other images. The PK-232MBX claims the following: $299 at HRO ($399 list) Rx & Tx: Packet, Baudot and ASCII RTTY, ATOR / SITOR ARQ and FEC, Morse code, WEFAX, PACTOR, and Gateway. Rx: NAVTEX/AMTEX and TDM 18K (non-expandable??) PakMail 17-pole "effective filtering" SIAM ("for auto RTTY signal ID") Host Mode The MFJ-1278B looks like this: ~$299 at HRO ($299 list) Modes: Color SSTV, Color Fax, "16 Gray Levels Modem", Packet, AMTOR, RTTY, ASCII, CW, Fax, SST, Navtex 32K RAM (expandable to 128k, 512k) Contest Memory Keyer Free AC power supply "random code generator" (?) Both have KISS mode, which is important to me, since I like to hack protocols and TCP/IP stuff. I avoided 9600 baud TNCs, since they tended to have less modes, and I don't have a 9600-capable radio. Here are some questions I'm hoping to answer: What is special about "PakMail(tm)"? Is the PK-232 fax grayscale or 1-bit B&W? Is the MFJ fax really full-color, or is it "color shading" instead of gray? How common are SSTV transmissions? How valuable is the new "Gateway" mode of the PK? Do most people find 18k to be adequate RAM? Are there any features that make one unit significantly better than the other? Are there any glaring problems with either? The salesman at the local HRO was *very* pro-PK. He strongly recommended it over the MFJ. His explanation was that it was a much better designed TNC, with a lot of support from AEA and amateurs. He claimed the filtering and reception on the PK-232 was superior to the MFJ. I don't have any reason not to believe him, but I'll take an unbiased group opinion from the net over HRO's anyday. I'll be reading this group carefully, and will post a summary of any responses I get via e-mail. Thanks in advance! -Steve Steve Haehnichen Vigra, Inc. San Diego, CA (619) 597-7080 x116 Fax: (619) 597-7094 ------------------------------ Date: 12 May 94 15:05:41 GMT From:!!agate!!!!nwnexus!ole!rwing!eskimo! Subject: Software for KAM Plus? To: Hi David Take a look at XPKAM you should be able to find it on most ham bbs It very good 73 Jim K7UDG/UA4PDG ------------------------------ Date: 13 May 1994 08:55:02 -0400 From:!!agate!!!!!panix! Subject: Software for KAMPlus ? To: David Dodell ( wrote: : I just purchased a KAM Plus ... I'm looking for feedback on the : different software packages out there, including KAM Gold and Hostmaster : II, or anything else? : David wb7tpy : --- : Editor, HICNet Medical Newsletter : Internet: FAX: +1 (602) 451-1165 : Bitnet : ATW1H@ASUACAD Get a Kagold Commercial version. It just simply the best. 73's John Silver. -- ----------------- |John Silver | || ----------------- ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #147 ******************************